the maze, cage and me
It's been a while since i last posted something, but somehow i lost the ability to write!!! well this's something i wrote a few minutes ago, it's not poety, it's just something kind of burried inside me, i'm trying to let it out, but still can't!!!
Lost in a dark maze
Locked in my own cage
The cage,the maze…
They're both me!!!
If you're standing near
You’ll here pure silence
Yet I’m screaming!
I’m living in a vaccume space
Yet I’m breathing!
The words are running away
But, I’m talking!
Melodies vanishes as it comes near me
Yet, I’m singing!
What kind of person am I?
May be strange and may be shy
May be wise and may be boring
May be silent, may be quiet
All I know...I’m trying to cry it